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Do we really know masks?

Do we really know masks?

Masks have entered our lives incisively and peremptoryly, now we use them for any movement, both on foot and on means of transport. But the masks are not all the same, as we know them? And how to choose the most suitable mask? Let\’s see together various features: first of all where can you buy them? For purchase you can turn to the pharmacy, where we can also ask for advice on wearing and quality, in supermarkets and also online. Useful masks at this stage are 3, all with different characteristics and purposes: 1. Surgical mask : it is a medical device. It helps to block the droplets we emit, even simply breathing, from the nose and mouth. However, they do not block the incoming virus. 2. FFP2 and FFP3 without valve: used mainly by healthcare personnel, these masks protect both by preventing droplets from coming out with exhalation, and by the virus from entering with inhalation. 3. FFP2 and FFP3 with valve : using this model, only the wearer is protected. The virus, in fact, is blocked in the entrara, thanks to the valve, but not outgoing Still valid, in any case, the recommendations not to touch the face with your hands and that of never take off the mask, even to smoke or to talk on the phone. Masks alone do not guarantee 100% safety but must always be combined with safety distance and frequent hand washes. To have the security to buy a guaranteed product you have to pay close attention to certifications.

Surgical masks must have the words DM (Medical Device) and the CE mark, the others instead PPE (Individual Prevention Device) and always the CE mark.